Who owns and who pays for the data?
The topic of Smart City has become the main conference topic last year. Recently, there is an interesting debate going on regarding the monetization of smart city’s data. Data ownership is clear if the whole implementation is being initiated and paid by the Government. Smart Cities deployment requires the aggregation of many sources of data – structured or unstructured. When combined, more meaningful insights will be discovered. However, as we moved forward with new business models, smart city implementations can be deployed by private companies.
Who owns what?
These raised a number of issues.
- How do we share the data?
- If infrastructure is being paid by the Councils or the States, it belongs to the citizens and should be given free or made open
- How do we monetise the smart cities data when its should be made “free”
- Some countries stated that even a 1% investment from the Public in any PPP (Public Private Partnership) project has to be considered as Public data
- What’s the best business model in smart cities when the government are not willing or can’t afford to implement such solutions?
What’re your thoughts regarding this?