CIO with IOT Skills
The economic outlook for 2017 doesn’t look too good in many countries. One of the first things any companies will do will try to cut down costs. A lot of projects that was planned earlier will have to re-prioritise based on the criticality and urgency of the situation. Most projects, which don’t have a big, impact, too much risk and unproven are likely to be axed or become a lower priority.
But how do most companies see projects regarding Internet of Things? Can the big promises of IoT overcome that reprioritisation process hurdle? Are they considered as a higher priority when the risk is high when the impact not immediately proven?
The Chief IoT Officer (if this position CIOTO exists in your company) need these skills to ensure that IoT is not left behind.
- New technology – Replace the older processes with new technology such as IoT. Previous physical activities can be done remotely and automatically. Data-driven decision-making process will be critical. All of this will reduce costs and increase productivity.
- Lean & Agile – Lean startup approach in developing new service, testing them, learn from any mistakes and adapt quickly.
- Shifting priority – CIOT needs to adopt a constant change of priorities. What was planned in the early part of the year can be different by mid-year?
- Smaller, faster implementation – Big and long term projects are no longer a luxury. Develop smaller projects across the organisations. Small wins but big impact.
- Change agents – CIOTOs must be the change agents. They can no longer hold on to the old legacy process and systems. Communicate clearly and be the champion.
Do you have an IoT Champion in your organisation? Will IoT be pushed to the back seat when it comes to budget rationalisation? How do you defend IoT projects in your organisation?