Introduction to FAVORIOT (Video)
March 2nd, 2017 Posted by favoriotadmin IOT PLATFORM, SMART HEALTH 0 thoughts on “Introduction to FAVORIOT (Video)”- EXPERTISE – We have a team of IoT subject matter experts that can help your company to start your IoT journey.
- PARTNERSHIP – We believed in a win-win partnership. No single Company can deliver all IoT components. Thus, we must leverage each other strengths to deliver a cost effective solution.
- DO ME A FAVOR – Do this for your organization – lower the costs of operations, increase your productivity, create new revenue streams, automate jobs and increase customer loyalty.
- IOT PLATFORM – A platform that connects the data network to the cloud and provides insights using backend applications to make sense of the plethora of data generated by hundreds of sensors.
- FAVORCITY – Favorcity is an Open City Platform that placed the customer and the IOT projects at the center.
- IOT PROJECTS – A device is a central entity in Favorcity. Hierarchically, entities such as Project, Application, Group are used to group and structure the devices. Rules can be defined to perform certain action on events that raise in a device
- DEVICE MANAGEMENT – Any IoT system must address four fundamental categories of device management, which are: provisioning and authentication, configuration and control, monitoring and diagnostics, and software updates and maintenance. All of these functions are fundamental and critical to the success of any IoT implementation.
- RULES ENGINE – By putting the rules engine in the cloud and making it highly configurable, users can much more rapidly enable a network effect among their connected assets.
- SOCIAL MEDIA INTEGRATION – IOT platform that can send messages, including alerts and push notifications such as Facebook, Google+, Instagram, KakaoTalk, Line, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, Viber, WeChat, Weibo, WhatsApp, Xing and more.
- EASE OF DEVELOPMENT – Time to market is important. Thus, we enable a developer to rapidly deploy an IoT application or service without worrying about scale-out or scale-up factor.