Posts tagged "IoT"

How to Become FAVORIOT Beta Developer

May 3rd, 2017 Posted by IOT PLATFORM 0 thoughts on “How to Become FAVORIOT Beta Developer”

Be the first to develop your IoT application using FAVORIOT – send an email request ( with the following details for a FREE Account as a Beta Developer:

Preferred Username:


Magazine Favoriot-12.png

If you are having trouble with connecting your device to our platform please contact us at

Full documentation and technical tutorial – HERE.

NOTE: As a Beta Developer, you are limited to 5 connected devices and average of 500 APIs calls per device per day.  Data retention will be 1 year. This is a limited time offer.

Create Your First IoT Application by Connecting Raspberry Pi to FAVORIOT Platform

April 30th, 2017 Posted by IOT PLATFORM, TIPS 0 thoughts on “Create Your First IoT Application by Connecting Raspberry Pi to FAVORIOT Platform”

Magazine Favoriot-9.pngThis section provides tutorials on connecting Raspberry Pi to FAVORIOT platform.

code for creating a data stream

import requests
import json

url = ""
payload = json.dumps({
  "device_developer_id": "deviceDefault@favoriot.iot",
  "data": {"temp":"14"}
headers = {
    "apikey": "YOUR API KEY HERE",
    "content-type": "application/json",
    "cache-control": "no-cache",

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
parsed = json.loads(response.text)
print json.dumps(parsed, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

code for getting all data stream

import requests
import json

url = ""
headers = {
    "apikey": "YOUR API KEY HERE",
    "content-type": "application/json",
    "cache-control": "no-cache"
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
parsed = json.loads(response.text)
print json.dumps(parsed, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

Raspbian comes preloaded with Python, the official programming language of the Raspberry Pi and IDLE 3, a Python Integrated Development Environment. We’re going to show you now how to get started with Raspberry Pi using Python to connect to our FAVORIOT platform.

You can use Raspberry Pi as IoT device by connecting sensors to it, or it can be used as IoT Gateway.

Replace the indevice_developer_id in the payload with your device name. Follow the syntax as given inside the payload.

import request is used to enable HTTPrequest from python. You install this library by running the command pip install request in the terminal.

import json is used to format the JSON response received from FAVORIOT and prepare the JSON data to be sent to the FAVORIOT platform.

If you are interested in becoming a Beta Developer, please send email to

If you are having trouble with connecting your device to our platform please contact us at

Full documentation and technical tutorial – HERE.

Introduction to FAVORIOT Middleware Platform

April 30th, 2017 Posted by IOT PLATFORM, TIPS 19 thoughts on “Introduction to FAVORIOT Middleware Platform”


Internet of Things development is a complex effort. It will be a long journey job and time consuming if one have to develop it from scratch. IoT Middleware platforms offer a jumping-off point by combining many of the tools needed to manage a deployment of device management to data consumption into one service.

FAVORIOT is a middleware platform specifically designed for any the Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine to Machine (M2M) project. The platform is developed to support the integration of data from several sensors and actuators into the internet. Collecting and storing data from IOT devices become much easier. Moreover, the platform also helps developers in building vertical applications. By using the platform, the developer does not need to worry about hosting.

FAVORIOT enables the devices to push the data to the FAVORIOT middleware platform using its REST API. The external application can also pull the data from FAVORIOT middleware platform using REST API.

Components of FAVORIOT

Favoriot building block
Figure 1:  The Building Blocks of FAVORIOT Middleware Platform

As shown in figure 1 above, the FAVORIOT IOT Middleware consists of several building blocks:

  • Device Connectivity – Brings different protocols and different data format into one Application Programming Interface (API) ensuring accurate data streaming and interaction with all devices.
  • Device Management – To ensures the connected “things” are working properly. We create the abstraction of the physical devices in IOT realms within the IOT middleware
  • Scalable Database – Scalable storage of device data brings the requirements for hybrid cloud-based databases to a new level in terms of data volume, variety, velocity and veracity
  • Business Logic – Brings data to life with rule-based event-action-triggers.
  • Notification Engine – Combining business logic with notification engine enable execution of “smart” actions based on specific sensor data.
  • Dashboarding – Enables users to see patterns and observe trends from visualization dashboards where data is vividly portrayed through various type of charts.
  • Application Integration Interface – APIs that act as interfaces for third party systems.
  • Security Modul – All interaction with the IOT Middleware are secured via HTTP/TLS protocol.

How Does it Work?

Figure 2:  The role of FAVORIOT IOT Middleware in an IOT Project

  • Connect Your IOT Device
    • Connect any type of device (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Libelium)
    • And start your Internet of Things project with FAVORIOT middleware
  • Collecting Data
    • User our HTTP RESTful API to push JSON data generated by your device
    • Simple Data Structure
    • Secure: API Keys and HTTPS Connection
    • We store your data in our Scalable Big Data Storage.
  • Manage Devices and Data
    • Interact with your devices and data from FAVORIOT middleware.
    • Define your business logic through our RULE-BASED Engine.
    • Set Notification Action upon defining business logic.
  • Build your Application
    • Consume your data within FAVORIOT Platform using HTTPS PULL API.
    • Build your Own Application based on data pull from FAVORIOT (Visualization, Dashboarding, etc.).
    • Focus on your apps and let us carry the systems, security, and communications
    • Save development time
    • Let us take care of IT infrastructure cost, problems, and scalability for your IOT Project.

FAVORIOT Hierarchy

The device is a central entity in FAVORIOT. It is used to represent the physical devices in IOT realms within the IOT middleware. Hence the data from produced by devices can be aggregated easily. However, in FAVORIOT, IOT device and its data are managed and structured hierarchically.

  • Hierarchically, Entities such as Project, Application, Groups are used to group and structure the devices.
  • Data is associated with the stream/information produced by physical devices.
  • Rules can be defined to perform a certain action to events that raises in a device.

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