Posts tagged "IoT"

FAVORWATCH – Live Alone But Not Left Alone

January 30th, 2018 Posted by PRODUCT, SMART HEALTH 0 thoughts on “FAVORWATCH – Live Alone But Not Left Alone”

It’s no doubt that the whole world is facing an Ageing population. In 2017, there are an estimated 962 M people aged 60 or over in the world, comprising 13 % of the global population. The population aged 60 or above is growing at a rate of about 3 % per year. With the progression in healthcare, people tend to live longer than before, however, not necessarily healthier. They might suffer several chronic diseases such as Diabetes, high blood pressure or Dementia.

It was stated 500K elderly people gone missing in China every year or 1300 elderly people went missing every day due to loss of memory. Senior citizens aged 65 or over account for up to 80% of missing elderly person cases (Alzheimer or dementia or memory impairment). Of those who were found after being reported missing, 25% then went missing again.

Statistics have shown that approximately 30% of people over 65 falls accidentally each year, and for those over 80 this rate raises up to 50%. Late or non-existing responses cause 2 million persons having to be hospitalized and approximately 85K deaths can be attributed each year. Among older persons, 55 % of fall injuries occur inside the home. An additional 23 % occur outside, but near their homes.

Thus, there are three key things that we consider very seriously for the elderly well-being (i) continuous monitoring of their vital health conditions (ii) monitoring their location in case they get lost (iii) emergency alerts during falls.

The trend is moving towards “Aging in Place” whereby we are seeing the elderly are staying alone especially in countries where they have less number of children or the culture whereby the children or the parents prefer to stay on their own. As a working adult, they have no options but to let their parents stayed at home by themselves. In such case, it will bring high anxiety especially when their parents suffer some disease or in a frail condition.

How do we let the elderly to “Live Alone but Not Left Alone”? What if we have a way to monitor their health continuously? What if we know they are always active or just lie on the bed? What if we get notified whenever they walked outside their house? What if they need emergency and need to call their next of kin or neighbor easily? What if you constantly call them directly without them carrying a mobile phone?

All of the above is possible using our Favorwatch. Check out the details here.

Anyone willing to join the mission to connect and help 1 Million elderly around the world?

MEDINI CEO Forum 2018

January 26th, 2018 Posted by NEWS 0 thoughts on “MEDINI CEO Forum 2018”

MEDINI, JANUARY 25 – Dr. Mazlan gave an Invited Talk on the topic of “Build Smart Cities and Smart Communities” at MEDINI CEO Forum 2018.

About the Author

Dr. Mazlan is the co-founder and CEO of FAVORIOT Sdn Bhd. He is ranked among 50 Most Impactful Smart Cities Leaders by World CSR Congress 2017, ranked Top 10 in IoT Top 100 Influencers by Postscapes 2017, ranked No. 20th Thought Leader in IOT by 2014 Onalytics Report – “The Internet of Things – Top 100 Thought Leaders” and UTM Alumni Industry Personality 2016. He is currently one of Global Vision Board Member (2017). Before Favoriot, he spent 2.5 years as CEO of REDtone IOT and 8 years in MIMOS Berhad as Senior Director Wireless Communications Cluster. He also spent 13 years in CELCOM (mobile operator), handling many senior management positions. Prior to Celcom, he spent 10 years as an Assoc. Professor at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He is currently the Adjunct Professor at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) and Universiti Malaysia (UniMY). He was also the Adjunct Professor for UTM from 2008 to 2013 and UTHM (2004-2005, 2013-2016). Dr.Mazlan is a frequent speaker at many major & established IOT, Smart Cities and telco conferences locally and globally. He sits in Industry Advisory Panel (IAP) for several local universities. He graduated from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with a BEE (1984), University of Essex (UK) with MSc. in Telematics (1986) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with a Ph.D. in Telecommunications (1993). He also received an Honorary Doctorate in Electrical Engineering from UTHM (2017).

Teh-Tarek IoT (TT-IOT)

January 26th, 2018 Posted by BLOG 0 thoughts on “Teh-Tarek IoT (TT-IOT)”

Have a TT-IOT with the CEO and Co-Founder of FAVORIOT, Dr. Mazlan Abbas for an exchange of ideas related to IoT technology, business opportunities, talent development or product updates among industry peers. A limited number of seats. Registration is FREE. Will inform the exact date. Expected time 3.00pm-5.00pm weekdays at FAVORIOT Office in Puchong, Malaysia. Starts in March 2018 (either weekly or bi-weekly basis depending on demand). You may register your interest HERE.

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