Posts tagged "education"

FAVORIOT Visitors – August 2017

August 29th, 2017 Posted by BLOG, NEWS 0 thoughts on “FAVORIOT Visitors – August 2017”

One of the exciting happenings in the Month of August is that we hosted many meetings from various organizations, Universities, and individuals. IoT is a very exciting topic. In many cases, it seems to be a mysterious business too. Even though many wish to embark on this journey, they found it difficult to take the first step to the unknown. Unsure in which direction is the best. Thus, an exchange of ideas and exploring potential areas to collaborate is the best method to start.

IoT – The Third Wave of Internet Tsunami is Here

August 7th, 2017 Posted by BLOG 0 thoughts on “IoT – The Third Wave of Internet Tsunami is Here”


As a second Keynote Speaker at MySEC2017 at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) on August 7, 2017.

How Do I Start My IoT Project Without High Investment?

July 5th, 2017 Posted by HOW-TO, NEWS, TIPS 0 thoughts on “How Do I Start My IoT Project Without High Investment?”


Start Your IoT Journey

#AskIoTWorld Question #4:

How do I start my IoT Project?


Simple answer – it depends on where do you stand? Assuming that you have the necessary knowledge and skills to develop an IoT project, take the following steps:

  1. Go out there and find a business case. Good market research report can give an indication but the market can be different in different countries. Thus, you need to be out there and find a real business case. Talk to the industry, talk to the customers and listen to their pain points.
  2. The low hanging fruit is to replace manual labor with remote monitoring. Costs can be greatly reduced. No more traveling costs and time-consuming data gathering. By doing this, you are also benchmarking their operations.
  3. The best part of benchmarking is that you can now introduce more sensors, actuators, analytics to gain better insights and thus ROI can be easily seen and predict.

This is just the beginning of your IoT journey. Take a simple step forward, understand their business case, learn, change if it doesn’t work, expand if it begins to show the ROI.

You can DOWNLOAD the eBook – HERE.

[Note: You can #AskIoTWorld with any IoT-related questions and we will try to answer in this Blog]

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