Posts tagged "APPLICATION"

FAVORIOT Partners with Net2One a Subsidiary​ of Altel Holdings Sdn Bhd to Provide IoT Solutions

August 14th, 2017 Posted by BLOG, NEWS 0 thoughts on “FAVORIOT Partners with Net2One a Subsidiary​ of Altel Holdings Sdn Bhd to Provide IoT Solutions”

KUALA LUMPUR (August 14, 2017) – FAVORIOT signs a collaborative agreement with Net2One to provide IoT solutions to potential customers including but not limited to the customers within AlBukhary Group of Companies, enterprises and government bodies.


Signing Ceremony Between Net2One and FAVORIOT

Net2One Sdn Bhd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Altel Holdings Sdn Bhd. Their core business is in the provision of fixed telecommunication services which is operated and managed via their high-speed fiber network infrastructure. They deliver their products and services to serve the Wholesale or Service Providers segment, as well as the Enterprise segment to cater their connectivity needs and requirements.


Net2One and FAVORIOT represented by Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Yaacob (Group CEO of Altel Holdings) and Dr. Mazlan Abbas (CEO of FAVORIOT) respectively. Witnessed by Tengku Asmaluddin (Chief Commercial Officer, Net2One) and Dr. Gopinath Rao (CTO, FAVORIOT)

FAVORIOT become the advisor and consultant to Net2One in all matters pertaining to IoT and further provide relevant advice in regard to IoT to Net2One.


August 14, 2017 – Partnership Agreement to venture into IoT

The Status of IoT in the Universities Globally

July 3rd, 2017 Posted by BLOG 0 thoughts on “The Status of IoT in the Universities Globally”


#askiotworld #2:

Are there fully IOT implemented in any University around the globe? If there are then share the list and % of IOT implementation coverage. If it can be implemented in any University in Malaysia, should it be UTM the best candidate? is there any plan for it then?


A simple answer to this will be “no”. In fact, there is no single organization in the world that really implement a “full” IOT. Some parts of the organization might adopt IoT but not “fully” if that’s what the question is referring.

Most IoT research activities reside in the Universities. The research originates from Faculty of Electrical or Electronic or Computer Engineering to Faculty of Computer Science. Advanced IoT applications can be seen in many University Labs. Unfortunately, there are no statistics compiled worldwide although you can check out FP7 and Horizon 2020 list of projects to see which Universities in Europe are involved in IoT.

In Malaysia, FAVORIOT has started to engage with 15 Universities to groom the new Generation-IoT. Check the list here. Personally, I have seen many IoT projects in the Universities have difficulty to turn them into something commercial. Mainly due to the objectives of the projects are focused on developing new technologies, producing Masters and Ph.D. graduates, publications and presenting at conferences. The funds given are not able to go beyond prototypes. These are among the many challenges for Universities in Malaysia to “fully” implement IoT.

Connecting Promosys HawkEYE Cloud Monitoring To FAVORIOT Platform

May 23rd, 2017 Posted by IOT PLATFORM 0 thoughts on “Connecting Promosys HawkEYE Cloud Monitoring To FAVORIOT Platform”

The Monitoring Eye – HawkEYE from Promosys

We have successful connected HawkEYE Cloud Monitoring from our Promosys with FAVORIOT Platform.

HawkEYE Cloud Monitoring

  1. It’s a hardware to monitor an industrial parameter such as temperature, humidity, electricity, ambient oxygen and sent this information securely to a cloud server. This hardware has logic programming capability to take action as per configured logic.
  2. It has an application to receive data from the hardware, configure notification script and generate an automatic notification based on parameter collected.

Below are sample photos and screenshots.


Dashboard from FAVORIOT platform


Data Streams from HawkEYE

2017-03-08 19.23.33.jpg

Sample usage of HawkEYE

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