Students play an important role in the existence of Universities – without them or “lack” of them can even shut down Colleges or Universities. When faced with a lack of funding situation, one of the first things to do is to cut down costs especially maintenance and this will further impact the quality of service.
Thus, you will get more complaints from students such as:
- No lights in the dorm or toilets
- Pipe leaking
- Water is polluted
- Projector and audio system in the lecture hall not working
- Garbage unattended
- Air-conditioning not working
- Vandalism happening everywhere
- …and many more
The lack of response and proper attention will further deteriorate the quality of services of the campus and will discourage other students from registering to the Universities. With the advent of social media, such complaints can be easily posted on the Net for others to see.
How do we solve these problems before it gets bigger and out of hands?
What if you can have a very cost effective solution using the students themselves to help solve these problems? FAVORSENSE for Campuses from FAVORIOT is can easily resolve this. A simple Favorsense mobile app can “crowd sense/crowdsource” the problems easily and escalate the reports to the Facility Manager of the Campus.
The Crowdsensing Management Platform can easily manage the reports and escalate to the assigned Campus panel of contractors. The contractors have a web app called Favorsense Field Force will receive all the jobs assigned to them and must attend to the jobs within the agreed Service Level Agreement (SLA).
The University’s Top Management can easily view the reports instantly and understand how to prioritize or manage their maintenance budget. The students who make the reports will be able to track the progress easily rather than have to call for assistance or checking continuously.
For further information regarding FAVORSENSE for CAMPUSES, please contact info@favoriot.com
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