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Product Announcement
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Topic starter 06/09/2021 12:12 pm
3.3.8 - 30 August 2021
- Miscellaneous
- Bug fixes.
3.3.7 - 17 August 2021
- Dashboard Widgets
- New line curve type :- Stepline, added for line and area chart.
- New charts widget :- Gauge: Circular Basic and Gauge: Circular Dark. (for Beginner and Developer accounts only)
3.3.6 - 30 July 2021
- Misc
- Discontinued feature - Referral Program.
- New tutorial link added.
3.3.5 - 23 July 2021
- Public Dashboard
- Developers can now embed their public dashboard with the provided embed code.
- New Subscription Plans
- Beginner and Developer Plan is now available for 1 month, 1 year and 3 years subscription.
- Currency converter included in the payment page.
- Misc
- Bug fixes.
3.3.4 - 13 July 2021
- Export Data Streams
- Identify minimum, maximum and average readings for each of the data parameters of a specific device. (If has more than one data and the value type is number only)
3.3.3 - 9 July 2021
- Misc
- Fix export data stream for Custom Range option.
- Prompt double confirmation to delete devices and data streams.
3.3.2 - 28 June 2021
- Bug fix
- Fix no data exported for Custom Range -> All Devices option
3.3.1 - 22 June 2021
- Bug fix
- Fix invisible line issue in the real-time graph
3.3.0 - 21 June 2021
- New User Interface
- New and improved Favoriot IoT Platform User Interface!
3.2.1 - 17 June 2021
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug for exporting all data streams for specific device
- Fixed bug for exporting data streams based on custom date range
3.2.0 - 11 May 2021
- Payment Methods
- Credit Card
- Boost
- Touch N Go
3.1.0 - 1 May 2021
- Customer
- Allow other user(s) external of IOT Platform ecosystem to access certain parts of the system
- Sub-users when logged in are routed to their own custom dashboard
- Misc
- Improved graph loading performance
- Improved realtime loading performance
- Improved widget sizing and content sizing
- UI seperated on side window wit bigger space to work with
- Fixed ongoing payment error, using fallback as last method
- Updated widget, with RPC extended to provide custom parameter
- Ability to update graph/widget
3.0.0 - 31 March 2021
- Grafana External Dashboard
- For beginner and developer accounts we have added a feature where you can use Grafana Dashboard with your stream data
- Misc
- Improved UI resizing charts, gauges and widgets
- Major cleaning in IOT Platform Code