“GSIAC Smart Cities Alliance (SCA) is a platform established during the 7TH GSIAC for the council members to deliberate on Smart City’s issues and challenges and creates an opportunity for networking among the stakeholders. The formation of GSIAC SCA consist of cross sector participations from academician, governments and industry players. Thus, forming a new structure comprising founding, core, vertical, innovator, market & funding governed by the strategic objectives, specific roles and responsibilities for the members.
Currently in Malaysia, a number of ‘smart’ initiatives being executed by few parties across the major cities in Malaysia including Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru, Kuching, Kota Kinabalu, Melaka & Ipoh. The GSIAC SCA will be synchronizing the initiatives implemented at the targeted cities in Malaysia towards the specific targets of Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Results-focus and Time-bound (SMART)” – GSCA
The GSIAC Smart Cities Alliance ( GSCA) towards a smarter city, together. We’re proudly associated with these partners! Favoriot is one of the 4 Founding members from the Industry in GSCA – http://www.might.org.my/gsiacsc/partners-directory/