Kuala Lumpur (27 March 2017) – CyGen Group (M) Sdn Bhd and FAVORIOT Sdn Bhd today announced their collaboration in making sense of health data by integrating CyGen’s big data analytics health platform with FAVORIOT’s IOT platform.
The partnership will allow health-related data that is aggregated from various sensors to be analyzed by health specialists. This enables innovative health hardware manufacturers and service providers to provide their customers with data-driven, value-added services such as analytics and health trends reports, making it easy to acquire and provide decision making.
No longer people wait for problems but they believe in predicting what is about to come. And to help such individuals, CyGen Group has come up with smart prediction tools which can ensure that individuals can beat the illness before they turn to some drastic disease. The tool is a result of advanced technology and statistical methods that can analyze massive information in one go and predict the outcomes for the patient. Not only can the tool predict the results but also can associate data to provide the patient some preventive measures.
FAVORIOT provides an easy, flexible and scalable way to send the right health information to the right people using the right communications channel that does not limit to email or SMS but to more than 20 messaging channels at the right time.
“This partnership will open up many opportunities and also help the Universities to access the necessary tools and skills in the healthcare industry” – Dr. Mazlan Abbas, Co-Founder of FAVORIOT.

“Best in work in Malaysia, we are embracing change with formidable partnership” – Sumita Palanisamy, COO, and Co-Founder of CyGen Group.