Crowdsensing Platform to Build Better Cities and Communities

January 19th, 2018 Posted by NEWS 0 thoughts on “Crowdsensing Platform to Build Better Cities and Communities”

Ever wondered why many Smart Cities failed to take off? And many complaints from citizens are left unattended or service not done in a satisfactory manner?

We always thought to build Smart Cities, it must have an element of “smartness” in the cities and the citizens. Actually, every city has different priorities and thus “no city can be built with the same infrastructure and services”. The people or the citizens played the main role because they are the ones that lived in the cities. Nowadays, Smart City is built with “citizen-approach” and “citizen-focused”. No longer it’s going to be technology focused or vendor focused.

“Smaller” cities like campuses or townships have similarities. The dwellers and the occupants have issues or complaints that they want to convey or submit to the right authorities. But the traditional methods using web portals (which require lengthy Registration and manual input), emails, phone calls are no longer relevant in the era of the Internet. However, using the normal Social Media such as SMS, Twitter, WhatsApp or Facebook doesn’t help completely. The power of viral using Social Media can be helpful for the citizens but not for the Authorities. The Authorities will reluctantly solve in an ad-hoc manner to avoid any further embarrassment or tarnished image but they will have difficulty to manage reports.

We want to avoid any simple complaint to use any expensive or more important channel like the Radio or National TV to get the right attention.

Thus, Favoriot uses a “Crowdsensing” or “Crowdsourcing” method called Favorsensethat not only to receive complaints or feedback but to solve the problem in a very systematic manner. The diagram below showed how we utilize mobile applications (customised to the different needs and scenarios) to collate information from the public or private parties.

This “trouble ticket” will be generated for each individual report and submitted to the right authorities who will then filter the report, escalate and assign to the right contractors or field-force for action.

We can make a better decision making by collecting enough data. Online reports can be presented to the Management for KPI (Key Performance Indicators) purposes. Understanding the people pain-points, justifying for a new budget or human resource or even managing the productivity of the workforce.


Favorsense Mobile Application (Customised based on Requirements)

  • Enables public or private communities to report issues to the right authorities.
  • Reports contain information such as photo, location, and description of issues.
  • Reports are routed to the relevant authorities for further processing.
  • Users can view cases reported and status of each case.

Crowdsensing Management Platform (CMP)

  • Comprehensive management system for stakeholders.
  • Allows administrator to acknowledge reports received, assign them to relevant field-force service delivery teams or contractors and update the status.
  • Administrator generates a cumulative report of cases for further action.
  • Reports are categorized as “Reported”, “Acknowledged”, “Resolved” and “False Report”


  • A web application that can fit any screen; offers ease for on-site field force to resolve reports assigned to them.
  • Track the status of assigned jobs.
  • Records performance of the contractor assigned to resolve a particular report.


  • Comprehensive dashboard and reports that detail the performance of Authorities.
  • Provides feedback to management for performance improvements and focus on critical areas.
  • Greater insights allow for the more effective use of resources and more accurate planning and budgeting.

Target Users

  • Local Councils
  • Facility Managers (Condominiums, Shopping Malls, Campuses, etc)
  • Road Authority
  • Environmental Authority
  • Security/Police
  • Housing Association
  • Etc

If you are interested to know more or want to become our technology partner or business partner, please do not hesitate to contact FAVORIOT or fill-in the form below:

'Schedule an appointment' is available for industrial customer only.

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