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Ten Malaysian Universities Help to Develop Generation-IoT

May 31st, 2017 Posted by BLOG, IOT PLATFORM 0 thoughts on “Ten Malaysian Universities Help to Develop Generation-IoT”


The 10 Malaysian Universities Partners With FAVORIOT

Any digital transformation starts with the people. Technology adoption will face a stumbling block if we don’t have a generation of leaders, makers, thinkers, and doers. The same goes with IoT adoption – we need the right people, the right mindset and right competencies. FAVORIOT in the quest to develop a Generation-IoT,  recently partners with ten (10) Malaysian Universities to provide better hands-on skills and tools to the University students (and lecturers) in developing their IoT solutions using FAVORIOT middleware.

The list of the Universities who joined the program are listed below:

  1. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
  2. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
  3. Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL)
  4. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
  5. Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA)
  6. Universiti Tenaga Malaysia (UNITEN)
  7. Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)
  8. Universiti Sains Malaysia (USIM)
  9. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)
  10. Asia Pacific University (APU)

It is expected about 300 graduates every year will be utilizing FAVORIOT platform for their Lab experiments, Final Year or Research projects. The program will allow more than 1500 devices to be connected to the platform.

About the Author

Dr. Mazlan Abbas is currently the Co-Founder and CEO of FAVORIOT Sdn Bhd. He is an IOT Evangelist and a Thought Leader. He received an award as 50 Most Impactful Smart Cities Leaders by World CSR 2017. He is ranked No. 20th Thought Leader in IOT by 2014 Onalytics Report – “The Internet of Things – Top 100 Thought Leaders”, ranked Top 10 in IoT Top 100 Influencers by Postscapes 2016/2017, ranked Top 100 in Smart Cities Top Experts by Agilience Authority Index May 2016. He is also a Global Vision Board Member. You can reach him on LinkedIn or Twitter. Check all his presentation slides HERE.


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Generation-IOT That Will Disrupt The World

May 31st, 2017 Posted by BLOG 0 thoughts on “Generation-IOT That Will Disrupt The World”


We will be hit by the 3rd Internet Tsunami

The 3rd Internet Tsunami is Coming

Whether we like it or not, we will be hit by the 3rd Internet Tsunami i.e. Internet of Things. Many of us have seen the 1st Internet Tsunami of fixed Internet and the 2nd Internet Tsunami of Mobile Internet. What many of us don’t realize that as Things get connected, it will bring massive transformation to our lives and the way we work. Businesses will get disrupted and probably faced extinction if we are not prepared to adopt IoT. Regulators will face big challenges if they are slow in understanding the impact and make changes to their current regulation. They can remain status quo but it will definitely stifle innovation in that country.

Who will drive this 3rd Internet Tsunami?

They are the Generation-IoT. We have heard about Baby Boomers, Gen-X, Gen-Y (also known as Millennials) and the Gen-Z (also known as Post-Millennials) but what is Gen-IoT exactly?

Below are the traits of Generation-IoT (as defined by  in the article “Generation IoT: The Key to Business Survival in the 21st Century“:

  1. They are pioneers in IoT.
  2. All are willing to learn and take risks and are good at building virtual teams internally and partnering externally.
  3. You can recognize these new winners not by their age or their titles—but by their ability to build and deploy agile, flexible business solutions.
  4. A new generation of leaders, makers, thinkers, and doers is meeting that change with flexibility and optimism and transforming it into opportunity.
  5. These are the people who see the transformational power of IoT-driven processes, business models, and new revenue streams.
  6. They are eager to champion and drive these opportunities in their organizations.
  7. These people know that IoT is not just one project, one training session, one change.
  8. They know that in order to succeed they and their organizations need to adjust and re-learn, over and over again.

Are you ready to become Generation-IoT?

About the Author

Dr. Mazlan Abbas is currently the Co-Founder and CEO of FAVORIOT Sdn Bhd. He is an IOT Evangelist and a Thought Leader. He received an award as 50 Most Impactful Smart Cities Leaders by World CSR 2017. He is ranked No. 20th Thought Leader in IOT by 2014 Onalytics Report – “The Internet of Things – Top 100 Thought Leaders”, ranked Top 10 in IoT Top 100 Influencers by Postscapes 2016/2017, ranked Top 100 in Smart Cities Top Experts by Agilience Authority Index May 2016. He is also a Global Vision Board Member. You can reach him on LinkedIn or Twitter. Check all his presentation slides HERE.


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IOT Project Exhibition by UNIMAP – A Review

May 30th, 2017 Posted by BLOG 0 thoughts on “IOT Project Exhibition by UNIMAP – A Review”


The Lecturers and Students of School of Computer and Communication Engineering, UniMAP

I am honored to be invited as one of the Keynote Speaker and also a judge for UniMAP’s Final Year’s Projects (Individual and Group) that are focused on Internet of Things on May 29, 2017, at School of Computer and Communication Engineering, Pauh Putra Campus in Perlis. The School shortlisted and displayed 26 IoT showcases.

The presentation slides can be seen and downloaded below:

Below are my short comments and review regarding the overall displays.

  1. The projects covered various application scenarios such as health, aquaculture, smart home, car security, hazardous environment, garbage, environmental, parking, transportation, security, LoRa, forest, smart mirror, etc.
  2. The students are very innovative and creative in developing the solutions. They have thought through various usage scenarios in detail.
  3. All the projects displayed are complete working prototypes. Even though there are some hiccups with the Internet/WiFi connectivity, the students have made an effort is showing their recorded videos. There is a group even show a detailed video how their car surveillance works with some “actors”.
  4. The mockups are displayed in such detail which amazed me how much effort and thoughts have been put into the project. These mockups really help the overall project presentation. Seeing a demo with mockup is far better than posters on the wall. Mockups such as parking lot, supermarket, wearable shirt, train, house, aquaponic, automated roof cooling system, smart bin, smart pillbox, smart mirror and much more.
  5. It’s surprising to see how interests in IoT manage to bring about the energy, effort, commitment, and self-learning to the students. Integrating sensors, microcontrollers, GSM modems, GPS, connecting to the cloud using IoT middleware, building backend web solution and mobile app development by a single student deserve a big applause.
  6. IoT is all about solving a business problem and the students with the help of their UniMAP lecturers understand this quite well. Defining the right problem statement is key to start developing IoT.

Below are some points that can further improve future projects:

  1. This year can be considered as Version 1.0 and thus new feature enhancement can be built for Version 2.0. It’s important to re-use or add new functionalities to the project rather than re-create new project topics. Let Version 1.0 project to continuously gathering the data. Keep the historical data.
  2. Customer Validation – meet the actual customers, conduct a survey and ask for feedback. The customer might different view how to use the product. Nowadays, product development is agile using the Lean Startup method. Create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), show to the user, measure some parameters and learn from any mistakes – and quickly refine the product.
  3. Help the students to learn the basics of Raspberry Pi, Arduino, IoT middleware and Big Data in the early stages of the course rather than asking them to learn by themselves. Embed these topics in the some of the subjects or Lab experiments. By doing this, it will help the student to quickly build the prototype much faster.

Congratulations to the students whom I believed will be the upcoming Generation-IoT. You are now ready to face the IoT World!


Generation-IoT of UniMAP


About the Author

Dr. Mazlan Abbas is currently the Co-Founder and CEO of FAVORIOT Sdn Bhd. He is an IOT Evangelist and a Thought Leader. He received an award as 50 Most Impactful Smart Cities Leaders by World CSR 2017. He is ranked No. 20th Thought Leader in IOT by 2014 Onalytics Report – “The Internet of Things – Top 100 Thought Leaders”, ranked Top 10 in IoT Top 100 Influencers by Postscapes 2016/2017, ranked Top 100 in Smart Cities Top Experts by Agilience Authority Index May 2016. He is also a Global Vision Board Member. You can reach him on LinkedIn or Twitter. Check all his presentation slides HERE.


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