Posts in BLOG

Awareness of IoT Platform and Applications

September 20th, 2017 Posted by BLOG 0 thoughts on “Awareness of IoT Platform and Applications”

Next Invited Talk at the German-Malaysia Institute. This sharing session will trigger the understanding and interest among the GMI staffs about the Internet of Things (IoT) and our directions towards the Industry 4.0.

  • Date: Wednesday, 27th Sept. 2017
  • Venue: GMI Auditorium
  • Time: 9.00 am

UPDATED (With Event Photos, Sept. 27, 2017)

FAVORIOT Visitors – August 2017

August 29th, 2017 Posted by BLOG, NEWS 0 thoughts on “FAVORIOT Visitors – August 2017”

One of the exciting happenings in the Month of August is that we hosted many meetings from various organizations, Universities, and individuals. IoT is a very exciting topic. In many cases, it seems to be a mysterious business too. Even though many wish to embark on this journey, they found it difficult to take the first step to the unknown. Unsure in which direction is the best. Thus, an exchange of ideas and exploring potential areas to collaborate is the best method to start.

The World is Facing Aging Population Issues. This Malaysian Startup Could Change All That

August 29th, 2017 Posted by BLOG, PRODUCT, SMART HEALTH 0 thoughts on “The World is Facing Aging Population Issues. This Malaysian Startup Could Change All That”

Waiting for his father’s in-law Doctor’s appointment for almost 6-hours, traveling twice a day to visit at the hospital and later calling home every day when he is back home.

That’s how Dr. Mazlan Abbas, CEO, and co-founder of an IoT company FAVORIOT, describes his stressful and anxious moment whenever his in-laws are admitted to hospital or staying at home alone.


FAVORIOT specializes in Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Recently, FAVORIOT releases the latest Smart Health solution for the Senior Citizen called FAVORWATCH. The product is now at a Beta stage with several users are now trialing the solution.

As the world is facing an aging population issue with health care costs are rising, the elderly will have no better choice but to age in place with no one to take care of them because their children are working or lived at different places.

Even though health services have become better with more people living longer, the senior people tend to have increased number of chronic diseases as they age. Now, it’s the turn for their children to monitor them and ensure that they are having a safe, secure and healthy life.



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