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5th Professional and Management Kinabalu Conference 2018

August 6th, 2018 Posted by BLOG 0 thoughts on “5th Professional and Management Kinabalu Conference 2018”

The event was held on 1-2 August 2018 at Klagan Regency Grand Ballroom, 1Borneo Kota Kinabalu. The theme for this year focused on “Fourth Industrial Revolution – Quest for Wisdom“.

My session was in the afternoon with two other panelists Pn. Marsineh Jarmin, Mantan I-IMATEC, and En. Azhar Bin Mad Nayan, Technical Advisor PSDC. The moderator is Cik Norti Hj. Sirin discussing on “Fourth Industrial Revolution – Issues and Cyber Threat“.

Personally, I felt that Cyber Threat is not only about security and privacy of our data but the threat can be to the existing jobs – making them obsolete. That feeling of job insecurity will have an impact on the speed of the digital transformation process. People tend to “take their own sweet time” to make things happen.

On other aspects of making IR4.0 more secured, I pointed out that “a chain is no stronger than the weakest link” whereby we can secure all layers of the 7-Layers of OSI (Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application) but if it involves not securing the Passwords itself, it can open up to further hacking and stealing of data.

Overall, it is a good step forward for Sabah to begin it’s IR 4.0 education and creating more awareness. The biggest challenge for such an industrial revolution is the balance between moving forward fast and ensuring others are not left behind. In a big State like Sabah, the bridging the digital divide issue needs to be tackled too. Many areas require basic infrastructure such as water, electricity and Internet connectivity before we can even introduce IoT, Big Data, Cloud Computing, AI, VR/AR, Blockchain among others.





Industry 4.0 Implementation & Adoption Workshop with VISITAS and Partners

July 23rd, 2018 Posted by BLOG 0 thoughts on “Industry 4.0 Implementation & Adoption Workshop with VISITAS and Partners”


Part 1 (3 & 4 July 2018) – In this workshop, participants learn to build a business case, calculate the ROI, list out the requirements ( IT and OT).

Part 2 (17 & 18 July 2018) – In this session, participants were introduced to the IoT architecture, develop IoT system that includes hardware/device setup, connecting the sensor to the device, sending data to cloud/middleware (FAVORIOT) and learn to develop a mobile application.






Photos Courtesy of VISITAS.

Fundamentals of IoT – Your IoT Journey (Beginner Level)

July 17th, 2018 Posted by BLOG 0 thoughts on “Fundamentals of IoT – Your IoT Journey (Beginner Level)”



Duration: ½ Day


Session Summary 


This 1/2 day fast-paced deep dive into the Internet of Things (IoT) is designed for University students, business executives business owners and entrepreneurs who want to understand what the Internet of Things (IoT) is, how to begin their IoT journey and its potential impacts to a business.

Dr. Mazlan Abbas, CEO & Co-Founder of FAVORIOT will guide you through the details of IoT from business case formulation, business strategy to implementation, describing key decisions and how to avoid the main pitfalls. It is geared towards people who need to understand IoT, what opportunities it offers and how to implement IoT solutions in their business. Areas covered are:


IoT Core Concepts


  • Underlying Technologies and Concept of IoT
  • Assessing Business Opportunities
  • How to Introduce IoT in your business using s simple Business Model Canvas
  • Creating your own IoT Business and Project checklist
  • The course provides simple examples and analogies to help participants understand what IoT is, what it can deliver and how it can be implemented in a business scenario.


What Will You Learn?


  • IoT Core Concepts
    • The core concepts of IoT – Sensors, Connectivity, and Applications
  • How to take your first steps in your IoT journey
  • The Types of Problems IoT Solves.
    • IoT might make things smarter and easier, but what real-world problem can IoT potentially solve? And what issues can it solve right now?
  • How to Spot IoT Opportunities
    • How to train users across your organization – including business leaders – to spot IoT opportunities.
  • How to Overcome Possible Challenges
    • The Possible Issues And Problems Companies and Individuals May Face When Getting Started With IoT
  • How organizations can benefit from new revenue streams generated by new business models and services.
    • Moving from technology-based to outcome-based business model


Course Breakdown


Topic 1: What is the Internet of Things & Why Are Businesses Investing Heavily in it?
Topic 2: The capabilities and essential elements of a smart, connected product
Topic 3: What are new markets in the Internet of Things Industry?
Topic 4: What is the necessary building block to start building IoT solutions.




  • No prior knowledge of data science, machine learning, or statistics is required. Basic Understanding of Fundamental Business concepts.
  • Very basic Telecommunications Technology and Internet understanding


Required Software


  • No Software required




Dr. Mazlan Abbas

Conference-PhotoDr. Mazlan is the co-founder and CEO of FAVORIOT Sdn Bhd. He is ranked among 50 Most Impactful Smart Cities Leaders by World CSR Congress 2017, ranked Top 10 in IoT Top 100 Influencers by Postscapes 2017, ranked No. 20th Thought Leader in IOT by 2014 Onalytics Report – “The Internet of Things – Top 100 Thought Leaders and UTM Alumni Industry Personality 2016. He is currently one of Global Vision Board Member (2017). Before Favoriot, he spent 2.5 years as CEO of REDtone IOT and 8 years in MIMOS Berhad as Senior Director Wireless Communications Cluster. He also spent 13 years in CELCOM (mobile operator), handling many senior management positions. Prior to Celcom, he spent 10 years as an Assoc. Professor at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He is currently the Adjunct Professor for Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Universiti Malaysia (UniMY) and Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP). He was also the Adjunct Professor for UTM from 2008 to 2013 and UTHM (2004-2005, 2013-2016). Dr.Mazlan is a frequent speaker in many major & established IOT, Smart Cities and telco conferences locally and globally. He sits in Industry Advisory Panel (IAP) for several local universities. He graduated from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with a BEE (1984), University of Essex (UK) with MSc. in Telematics (1986) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with a Ph.D. in Telecommunications (1993). He also received an Honorary Doctorate in Electrical Engineering from UTHM (2017).

The full list of Dr. Mazlan’s Talks.

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