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TEDxKenyalang 2018: Outreach the World!

October 3rd, 2018 Posted by BLOG 0 thoughts on “TEDxKenyalang 2018: Outreach the World!”

WhatsApp Image 2018-10-02 at 13.13.47WhatsApp Image 2018-10-02 at 13.16.25

Careers in Emerging Technologies

October 1st, 2018 Posted by BLOG 0 thoughts on “Careers in Emerging Technologies”



Question (1): Overview of your organization and what it does

Answer: FAVORIOT is a Malaysian Internet of Things (Io) Company focusing on providing a peace of mind solution to the Pilgrims and their family member during their Hajj and Umrah. Currently, we have many issues whereby pilgrims went missing and also challenges in monitoring their health condition. We provide an end-to-end solution called RAQIB whereby a pilgrim will be monitored via a wearable device using a mobile application. Furthermore, we provide a system whereby the Mutawwif (Travel Agent in charge of the Pilgrims to monitor them in case of emergencies.


Question (2): How do you view and embrace the ever-changing world of disruptive technologies in your operations?

Answer: As a technology and product company, we always to ensure what we build today will provide a better quality of lives to the people and provide a new revenue stream for the business community. The best part of technologies in the era of the fourth industrial revolution is that it comes at the right and same time which in effect provide many business opportunities that seem an impossible couple of years ago.


Question (3): Many parents or maybe even students may not have heard of the types of business or technologies you champion. What attracted you to embark on unconventional technologies that you are now involved in?

Answer: Internet of Things is not something new in the tech world. Kevin Ashton initially coined the term IoT in the year 1999. Personally, I have been involved in IoT (maybe that was called M2M or machine-to-machine) in the early 2000s when we introduced the first Ring-a-Coke or SMS-a-Coke whereby we can buy a Coke from vending machine either by calling or sending an SMS to a special number on that machine.

If you Google the word “IoT” using Google Trends in Malaysia, we see Malaysians only start to be aware of IoT since the last 5 years (2013) and keeps growing till today. In 2014, we set up a new subsidiary in one of the telcos to run an IoT business focusing in Smart City. When we exited the company, we co-found FAVORIOT which now caters for a different product and different market.


Question (4): Do you think robots will take over human jobs in Malaysia? How can we stay relevant as robots become more and more intelligent, and humanlike?

Answer: Simple, be more intelligent than the Robot itself! Of course, that’s a big challenge to many of the people. People who can create robots definitely will not be able to be replaced by the robots (the Terminator movie is a little bit far-fetched, although not impossible). We just have to ask, what comprise of an intelligent robot? The great thing about a robot is because it comprised of many of the technologies in the Fourth Industrial Evolution such as IoT, Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence that brings the human sensors, the ability to “see” and “visualize” objects and the ability to think. People that have skills in these areas are still wanted and are relevant in many years to come.

How about the rest? Either they upgrade or reskill themselves with new technologies, or most likely they will together with the robots such as in logistics and factories.


Question (4): What skill sets do you look for in new hires?

Answer: Four things other than the technologies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution are (1) Passion (2) Problem solving (3) Communication Skills and (4), Knowledge Hunter


Question (5): What should we do to equip the next generation with these skill sets?

Answer: Start young as early as Kindergarten. We are seeing the Generation-Z that was born at the age of the Internet. When they are babies, their parents gave Tablets to make them either busy or teach new things. I was introduced to one new company today that impressed me with his project to educate 4-year-old kids with the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT).

FAVORIOT also have our IoT middleware which we offer to 15 local Universities that allow students to experiment and create their own innovative projects by connecting their sensors to our middleware and also use our Developer APIs to easily create their projects.


Question (6): Any advice or last words for students on what careers or studies to pursue?

Answer: If you want to pursue a career, please choose the one that you are really passionate about.

In my childhood days (40-50 years ago), I always want to become a Scientist that can create a Robot although, at that time, I don’t really know what is the job of a scientist. I am very passionate how a robot works. I graduated with a Bachelor in Electrical Engineerings, Masters in Telematics, Ph.D. in Telecommunications, became an Academician, work in a telco, Government R&D agency, returned to telco and now set up my own IoT business. And during that journey, I was recognized as an IoT Thought Leader.



FAVORIOT Bags Two Awards at MSC Malaysia APICTA 2018

September 24th, 2018 Posted by BLOG 0 thoughts on “FAVORIOT Bags Two Awards at MSC Malaysia APICTA 2018”

MSC Malaysia APICTA Awards

The objective of the MSC Malaysia Asia Pacific ICT Awards (MSC Malaysia APICTA) is to provide recognition to outstanding achievements of individuals, students, entrepreneurs, SMEs and organizations with operations in Malaysia who have contributed to the development of the MSC Malaysia initiatives or in building applications and services for the benefit of Malaysia. It recognizes creativity, innovation, and excellence in Malaysian ICT.

This annual Awards program also provides an opportunity and an ideal environment for individuals and companies to gain local, regional and international exposure through on-going promotional activities, and through participation at the international Asia Pacific ICT Alliance Awards (APICTA).

Winners of the MSC Malaysia APICTA Awards represent Malaysia at the annual International APICTA Awards in Guangzhou China from 10-14 October 2018.



FAVORIOT Bags Two Merits Awards

FAVORIOT won two Merits for categories (1) RAQIB – Health and Wellbeing (2) IoT Middleware – Community Services.


CEO of FAVORIOT, Dr. Mazlan Abbas, said the Startup constantly pushed the boundaries of IoT to build solutions for people and also offering an IoT platform for building Malaysia IoT ecosystem.

“We started as an unknown IoT Startup with a noble mission to help elderly people staying alone at home. It evolves into Raqib, a Smart Hajj solution providing a peace of mind to the pilgrims and family members during their Hajj or Umrah. We aimed to make Malaysia proud with our own home-made product and technology,” he said in a statement today.

Insights Success Magazine has recently shortlisted FAVORIOT as one of The 10 Most Innovative IoT Startups to Watch, 2018 that continuously raising the bar with their innovative IoT solutions. FAVORIOT is proud to be listed as one of them by the prestigious Insights Magazine. (more…)

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