Posts in BLOG

Towards Industry 4.0: Smart Manufacturing and Smart Cities Revolution – A Catalysts for IoT Ecosystem

April 24th, 2019 Posted by BLOG 0 thoughts on “Towards Industry 4.0: Smart Manufacturing and Smart Cities Revolution – A Catalysts for IoT Ecosystem”

Grand Hyatt Hotel, Kuala Lumpur April 22, 2019 – Dr. Mazlan Abbas, CEO of FAVORIOT was invited as one of the Panel Session at Smart Convention: 2nd Annual Smart Cities Conference.


RIZAL NAINY, Deputy CEO I, SME Corporation, Malaysia


  • WAN AZLI WAN ISMAIL, General Manager & Vice President, MIMOS, Malaysia
  • RUSHDI ABDUL RAHIM,Senior Vice President, Malaysian Industry-Government Group For High Technology (Prime Minister’s Department), Malaysia
  • JAFFRI IBRAHIM, CEO, Crest, Malaysia
  • DR. MAZLAN ABBAS, Co-Founder & CEO, FAVORIOT, Malaysia

5G Malaysia – Digital Outlook Series

April 23rd, 2019 Posted by BLOG 0 thoughts on “5G Malaysia – Digital Outlook Series”

Putrajaya 19 April 2019 – Dr. Mazlan Abbas, CEO of FAVORIOT was invited to become a moderator in a Panel Session at Digital Outlook Series organized by MTSFB and MCMC.

Panel Session 2 5G for Lifestyle

Moderator: Dr. Mazlan Abbas
Chief Executive Officer, Favoriot Sdn Bhd

Speaker 1: Healthcare

5G for Healthcare: Bridging the Gaps

Prof. Dr. Zaleha Abdullah Mahdy
Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, UKM Medical Centre

Speaker 2: Education

Making 5G Reality

Gerhard Ott,
Senior Business Consultant E2E Solution Asia Pacific Japan
Nokia Services and Networks Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.

Speaker 3: Entertainment

5G for Entertainment

David Soldani
CTO Office Huawei Southern Pacific Region

Speaker 4: Safety

5G for Public Safety

Wing K Lee
Chief Executive Officer, YTL Communications Sdn Bhd

Q&A Session

FAVORIOT IoT Platform Resources

April 15th, 2019 Posted by BLOG 0 thoughts on “FAVORIOT IoT Platform Resources”


  1. How To Build Your Own IoT Ecosystem
  2. Building Blocks of FAVORIOT IoT Middleware
  3. 15 Universities Partner With FAVORIOT to Create an Ecosystem of IoT Developers
  4. List of IoT Projects by University Collaborators
  5. Videos – Compilation of FAVORIOT Videos by Developers
  6. FAVORIOT IoT Middleware Training by FAVORIOT
  7. Introduction to FAVORIOT Middleware Platform
  8. Favoriot IoT Middleware Documentation
  9. YouTube Video – Topik 2 – Definisi IoT dan IoT Middleware
  10. YouTube Video – Topik 3 – Kegunaan IoT Middleware Bahagian 2
  11. YouTube Video – Topik 4 – Bagaimana Hendak Memilih IoT Middleware
  12. Video – How-To Create IoT Ecosystem for Universities
  13. Subscribe to Favoriot IoT Platform (FREE and PAID)
  14. FORUM – Ask, Share and Discuss About Favoriot IoT Platform
  15. Favoriot Developer Platform Login Page

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