Monthly Archives: November, 2017

Journey Towards Industry 4.0 With IoT

November 18th, 2017 Posted by NEWS 0 thoughts on “Journey Towards Industry 4.0 With IoT”

Malaysia needs a pool of Generation-IoT to propel into the era of the Internet of Things and turn the National IoT Strategic Framework into a reality. We need about 100K of IoT workforce which is more than the target as stated in the Framework because to support the whole value-chain of IoT. But how do we groom the workforce of the future? How do we inspire and prepare them for the jobs of the future? Are they ready for the Fourth Industrial Revolution? UTM has invited FAVORIOT’s CEO, Dr. Mazlan Abbas for an Industrial Talk on the topic of “Journey Towards Industry 4.0 With IoT“.


Thus, on behalf of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Advanced Telecommunication Technology Research Group (ATT RG) in collaboration with Communication Engineering Department will organize the Internet-of-Things (IoT) Carnival 2017. The event is part of UTM’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program to promote exposure and awareness to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education which is in line with the Government’s National STEM Action Plan 2017 initiatives.

The main objectives of the IoT Carnival:-

  • To expose the Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology to the guests, UTM staffs, and students.
  • To encourage UTM students, especially the undergraduate final year students to further their studies in IoT-related fields at FKE UTM.
  • To promote IoT-based products, including research findings, final year projects, and related capstone labs projects.
  • To provide the opportunities for research collaboration between industries and researchers with ATT and COMM department, as well as FKE in general.
  • To help promote National Transformation 2050 (TN50) roadmap initiatives in preparing the people for Industry 4.0 of which IoT technology is a crucial element

Favorwatch – A Peek for Early Adopters

November 16th, 2017 Posted by PRODUCT 0 thoughts on “Favorwatch – A Peek for Early Adopters”

Due to limited stock for the upcoming launch, we have selected you to take a peek and a demo/tour of the product at our Office in Puchong.

If you wish to set an appointment to view the product and understand how the service works, please contact us at

You can also make the reservation of Favorwatch since we have limited units in stock.

Here’s the summary of what you can do with Favorwatch:

  • Heart Rate / Steps Counter
  • Fall down detection
  • Location tracking
  • Wandering management with alert
  • 2-way voice communication
  • Alarms: SOS (button), fall-down, geo-fence, low battery and belt-on/off
  • Standby time up to a week (conditions apply)
  • Tracking SMS/GPRS/TCP
  • Personal data stored in Cloud
  • Favorwatch Mobile App for configuration, management, and monitoring
  • Allow extra “carers” to monitor as secondary users

Machine Learning Meets IoT Using FAVORIOT

November 12th, 2017 Posted by NEWS 0 thoughts on “Machine Learning Meets IoT Using FAVORIOT”

[Original article published by Tan Chin Luh – “When Machine Learning Meets IoT“]

In our upcoming training “IoT Made Easy with Favoriot and Scilab IoT Module“, we will be building an IoT system prototype by using a simple Machine Learning example.

Loading Data Set

The dataset consists of 2 sensors reading, one from the light sensor, another from the voltage divider with a variable resistor.

The idea is pretty simple: Turning on LEDs or sound the buzzer when the 2 sensors are falling in the region of the “blue dots”.

Training The Neural Network And Visualizing the Decision Boundary

The data is feed into neural network provided in Scilab Neural Network Module and trained for classification purpose. The result is shown as below:

Testing with Arduino and Gadgets

The simple system as below is built and interface with a computer to test the neural network in real-time.

The video below illustrates the result when the sensors reading (red circle) reach the “blue dot” region, the buzzer will beep and the LEDs would be turned on, and off when it reaches the “green star” region.

Trying With Data from MQTT Server

Finally, we will try it out with the signal from the MQTT server!

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IoT Made Easy with Favoriot and Scilab IoT Module Training


FAVORIOT offered a very affordable pricing plan as shown below:

The Beginner Plan is very suitable for University students who have been assigned or chose IoT project as their Final Year Project. A single device such as Raspberry Pi or Arduino that collects from several connected sensors can stream to the IoT platform. A simple dashboard is provided to visualize the measurements. This plan is also suitable for an individual developer or hobbyist that would like to familiarize with IoT platform, conduct self-learning or participate in IoT Hackathons. At RM 8.33 (or less than USD 2.00) per month, you can become the next Generation-IoT and on your way to be one of the rare talents in the job market today!

The Startup Plan is perfect for Freelancers or SMEs or Startups to provide IoT solution for a medium size project up to 150 devices. In fact, they can also create multiple projects or applications but limited to the total number of 150 devices.

The Business Plan is great for developing big commercial IoT project. It can support up to 300 devices for many smart applications.

However, if a company requires connecting thousands of devices, they may contact/email their customized requirements to

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