Monthly Archives: October, 2017

IoT Made Easy with FAVORIOT and Scilab IoT Module

October 30th, 2017 Posted by Internet of Things 0 thoughts on “IoT Made Easy with FAVORIOT and Scilab IoT Module”

Date: 30 November 2017 @Trity Technologies, Puchong, Selangor

Fee at RM 749 per person (HRDF claimable) through registration to
by providing your particulars and contact number. Alternatively, you may select on the Here.

We will give away the Scilab IoT Module for Favoriot, free access to Favoriot for 1 Year (beginner’s plan) and the Arduino Uno & Gadgets for your continuous development.

To obtain further information on this 1-day training, click on the following link:

This course is designed to make the learning of IoT fun, with a high-level programming language (Scilab) which is easily learned but yet powerful to produce a fast prototype of an IoT project.

Together with Trity IoT module, we would show how Scilab could be used in a various subdomain of the IoT, from being part of the “things”, to the data analysis and visualization.

The participant would have the chance to build their own prototype of smart sensors and also getting the data submitted to the cloud services (FAVORIOT) and retrieved the data for analysis, both using Scilab as the main interface.

Who Should Attend

This course is designed Anyone who would like to embrace computer vision by making use of the Raspberry Pi, engineers, researchers and scientists and alike for their application and interests.

Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF)

Our courses may be submitted to HRDF for SBL claims. Kindly check with your Human Resource Department or Training Unit.  Alternatively, we could also assist to advise you on your HRDF application.

Training Outline

Getting Started with Scilab for IOT

  • Introduction to IoT, from the “things” to the middleware.
  • Understanding REST API and JSON.
  • How Scilab could fit into the subdomains of IoT
  • Interaction with FAVORIOT
  • Hands-on practical 1: Software installation on PC
  • Hands-on practical 2: Understanding API by example.

Sensors and Devices in IOT

  • Introduction on the “Thing”
  • Turning Arduino into a DAQ as a fast prototype (No coding in Arduino involved)
  • Hands-on practical 3: Building a prototype of Smart Sensor with Scilab.

Sending Data to the Cloud

  • Getting data from sensors and send the data to the cloud
  • Hands-on practical 4: Connecting Arduino to Scilab and using Scilab as the station to upload the data to FAVORIOT

Getting Data from the Cloud

  • Getting data from FAVORIOT with Trity’s Scilab IoT module
  • Hands-on practical 5: Using Trity’s Scilab IoT module to extract the data uploaded to the FAVORIOT previously

 Project: Building A Simple IoT System with Scilab and FAVORIOT

Contact: HERE

Challenges of Making IoT a Ubiquitous Service

October 30th, 2017 Posted by IOT PLATFORM 0 thoughts on “Challenges of Making IoT a Ubiquitous Service”

You are likely benefitting from The Internet of Things (IoT) today, whether you’re familiar with the term. If your phone automatically connects to your home, or if you have a smartwatch counting your steps, congratulations! You have adopted one small piece of a very large IoT pie, even if you haven’t adopted the name yet.

IoT may sound like a business buzzword, but it’s a real technological revolution that will impact everything we do. It’s the next Internet Tsunami of new possibility that is destined to change the face of technology, as we know it.

IoT represents a massive wave of technical innovation. Highly valuable companies will be built and new ecosystems will emerge from bridging the offline world with the online into one gigantic new sensor network.  Our limited understanding of the possibilities hinders our ability to see future applications for any new technology. Mainstream adoption of desktop computers and the Internet didn’t take hold until they became affordable and usable. When that occurred, fantastic and creative innovation ensued. We are on the cusp of that tipping point with the Internet of Things.

IoT matters because it will create new industries, new companies, new jobs, and new economic growth. It will transform existing segments of our economy: retail, farming, industrial, logistics, cities, and the environment. It will turn your smartphone into the command center and gateway for both digital and physical objects in your life. You will live and work smarter, not harder – and what we are seeing now is only the tip of the iceberg.

A very important concept within IoT is the “last 100 meters connectivity” concept, which refers to the low-power wireless devices that operate in the short-range of 100 meters. These are the devices that represent the growth in IoT.  In fact, 90% of the market share will be in the small things that are in the short range of 50 m to 100 m. The “last 100 meters connectivity” presents a huge potential since today most of these devices are not yet connected to the Internet.

Due to the heterogeneous nature of IoT service i.e. sensors, connectivity, protocols, middleware, and analytics, how do we ensure we can provide a ubiquitous IoT solution?

You can register for the FORUM HERE.

How The Internet of Things Shape Better Outlook for Your Business in the 21st Century

October 25th, 2017 Posted by HOW-TO, Internet of Things 0 thoughts on “How The Internet of Things Shape Better Outlook for Your Business in the 21st Century”

Recently, I was invited for a talk on “How the Internet of Things Shape Better Outlook for Your Business in the 21st Century” at Tech Talk Volume II hosted by Net2One. It’s a closed presentation meant for Al Bukhari Group of Companies and their customers.


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