IOT & The Anatomy of a Smart City
October 31st, 2017 Posted by favoriotadmin SMARTCITY 0 thoughts on “IOT & The Anatomy of a Smart City”Smart cities are the future, but there is no smart city without smart people. Citizens will always be central to any Smart Cities development. The growth and the civilization of a city depend very much on the inhabitants and how they react upon the services provided to them. A city is like a living organism with their own anatomy. The rate at which the cities grow depending on how healthy and intelligent they are. Internet of Things (IoT) is one part that made the anatomy of a city. This upcoming talk will highlight the issues and challenges of building the anatomy of a Smart City.

The Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) series provides an international knowledge sharing platform for research progress and developments in the electromagnetic wave, RF/microwave and millimeter wave technology, wireless communication technology, antenna and propagation, advanced materials and other related fields. Seeking to promote mutual-interaction among participants, this year, APMC2017 will be held at the Renaissance Kuala Lumpur Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on November 13 – 16, 2017.
APMC2017 is organized by IEEE AP/MTT/EMC Joint Chapter of Malaysia, co-sponsored by IEEE MTT-S, and technically co-sponsored by EuMA and IEEE AP-S. All papers presented at the conference will be submitted to IEEE Xplore for publication. Proposals for special sessions, workshops and tutorials are also solicited.