Monthly Archives: June, 2017

The DNA of Internet of Things (IoT)

June 30th, 2017 Posted by BLOG, Internet of Things, IOT PLATFORM 0 thoughts on “The DNA of Internet of Things (IoT)”


What’s your DNA?


As stated in the article written by Kasey Panetta “7 Technologies Underpin the Hype Cycle for the Internet of Things, 2016

The IoT itself will help digital transformations but will take 5 to 10 years to gain mainstream adoption,” said Alfonso Velosa, research vice president.  The IoT remains on the peak of inflated expectations for the third year in a row as vendors push the hype even higher, but most companies struggle to find use cases beyond proof-of-concept.”

CIOs will be responsible for the implementation of IoT but given the diversity of technologies, it will be difficult to get all the right skills in-house. This will the main factor why many companies failed to plan or even execute the IoT strategy. The companies don’t have the necessary building blocks which I termed as “DNA”.

What’s the DNA of Internet of Things?

DNA comprised of three building blocks:

  1. D – Digital Transformation
  2. N – Networks
  3. A – Applications

What differentiates a successful planning, execution, implementation, and adoption of IoT in a company is their maturity of their DNA.

  1. It’s an utmost important factor to get the mindset ready with their strategy in adopting Digital Services within the company. We might be talking Digital Economy or Big Data Analytics whatsoever but without a Champion that can break down all the barriers especially in the mindset, that company will be doom within the next 3-4 years when everyone else has increased their productivity multiple folds and create new revenue streams by adopting digital services. Both front-end and back-end systems must be in digital form. Interacting with customers no longer sufficient with a human but must extend the reach using online and mobile services. We have to do away with pen and paper process to be more competitive. Everything MUST be in digital format otherwise your business will be eaten away by your competitor.
  2. Taking control of your assets utilization and understand how your customer use your products are very important. Thus, the assets MUST get connected to allow the companies to monitor their pattern of usage. Find the best connectivity options regardless whether it’s inside a building or outside. It can be either a fixed or wireless, short-range or long-range, low-speed or high-speed network – everything depends on the kinds of data that the sensor transmits.
  3. Get ready to transform your new process workflow. It will never be the same again. IoT will break down unnecessary barriers and automate the process flow. You might face some resistance internally when these new processes will obsolete many manual tasks and jobs. However, with the new process, you might need new applications to manage and thus new jobs are created. Thus, you will see many applications are custom built due to the legacy systems that need to be integrated. But it also opens up unlimited possibilities for new applications to be created for companies who wish to replace their old systems or just wanting to adopt a new business.

IoT is a journey and every journey needs to start with a single step. Along the journey, you might encounter different barriers and probably different options to arrive at the same destination. Choose the path that suits you because every company has its own DNA.

Ask yourself – Do you have the DNA of Internet of Things?

dna-1388692_1920.jpgThe importance of understanding our own DNA

About the Author

Dr. Mazlan Abbas is currently the Co-Founder and CEO of FAVORIOT Sdn Bhd. He is an IOT Evangelist and a Thought Leader. He received an award as 50 Most Impactful Smart Cities Leaders by World CSR 2017. He is ranked No. 20th Thought Leader in IOT by 2014 Onalytics Report – “The Internet of Things – Top 100 Thought Leaders”, ranked Top 10 in IoT Top 100 Influencers by Postscapes 2016/2017, ranked Top 100 in Smart Cities Top Experts by Agilience Authority Index May 2016. He is also a Global Vision Board Member. You can reach him on LinkedIn or Twitter. Check all his presentation slides HERE.

UBI and ABCs of the Driver Using IOT

June 30th, 2017 Posted by BLOG, HOW-TO, SMARTCITY 0 thoughts on “UBI and ABCs of the Driver Using IOT”


Introducing UBI in Malaysia


Following the libe­rali­sation of motor insurance tariffs set to take effect on July 1, the insurance companies are expected to take into account a motorist’s driving history to calculate their Premiums. This includes several factors such as the age of the driver, age of vehicle, gender of driver, driver’s claim records and traffic violations record. This mechanism of calculating the premium is called “Usage-Based Insurance” or UBI.

However, it will be more accurate in understanding their profile if the above factors are calculated with the actual driving behavior of the driver. One of the ways to capture their driving pattern is via Internet of Things (IoT) whereby sensors are embedded into the car or the using driver’s smartphones. Basically, we will be able to capture the ABC of the driver i.e. A – acceleration, B – braking and C – cornering.

There’s a company in Malaysia, Katsana, has launched a smartphone application called “DriveMark” (Download from iOS App Store). I have been using for nearly 2 weeks and you can see my driving pattern below.

How will it benefit consumers?

  1. Promote safe driving culture
  2. Low-risk drivers enjoy lower premiums
  3. More options to suit one’s needs
  4. Get to shop for the best coverage and value
  5. Competitive prices in the long term

It is a welcome news for the IoT industry in Malaysia. The move towards usage-based insurance will help to spur the growth of IoT with connected cars which in return will help to introduce other IoT applications and benefits other industries.

About the Author

Dr. Mazlan Abbas is currently the Co-Founder and CEO of FAVORIOT Sdn Bhd. He is an IOT Evangelist and a Thought Leader. He received an award as 50 Most Impactful Smart Cities Leaders by World CSR 2017. He is ranked No. 20th Thought Leader in IOT by 2014 Onalytics Report – “The Internet of Things – Top 100 Thought Leaders”, ranked Top 10 in IoT Top 100 Influencers by Postscapes 2016/2017, ranked Top 100 in Smart Cities Top Experts by Agilience Authority Index May 2016. He is also a Global Vision Board Member. You can reach him on LinkedIn or Twitter. Check all his presentation slides HERE.

MQTT for Embedded Devices Now Supported by FAVORIOT

June 28th, 2017 Posted by IOT PLATFORM 0 thoughts on “MQTT for Embedded Devices Now Supported by FAVORIOT”

If you aren’t familiar with MQTT, the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is a publish/subscribe protocol aimed specifically at low-powered embedded devices. MQTT targets low-powered embedded device environments where resources are scarce.

You can either check the section below or see the full documentation here.

This section explains on how to use MQTT protocol to connect to FAVORIOT platform.

The MQTT broker is hosted on the following domain:

Host :

The standard ports for MQTT are:

Port : 1883 and 8883 (for secure connection using TLS/SSL)

Use your API-Key as username and password to connect to the platform.

The topics that a user can publish and subscribe to are in the following format:

Publish : {Your-API-Key}/*

Example : {Your-API-Key}/Home/Temperature

Subscribe : {Your-API-Key}/*

Example : {Your-API-Key}/Home/Temperature

FAVORIOT platform accepts JSON data from a MQTT device. The format is in the following format if using mosquitto_pub command from CLI:


MQTT QoS supported by Favoriot platform

  • QoS 0: received at most once
    • The message is delivered at most once, or it is not delivered at all which means the delivery across the network is not acknowledged. The message is NOT stored. The message might be lost if the client is disconnected, or if the server fails.
  • QoS 1: received at least once
    • The message is always delivered at least once. If the sender does not receive an acknowledgment, the message is sent again with the set until an acknowledgment is received. As a result, receiver can be sent the same message multiple times and might process it multiple times.

Establishing secure MQTT connection

In order to establish a secure MQTT connection to the platform, create ca.crt file, copy and paste the following certificate inside it.

-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDmTCCAoGgAwIBAgIJAMPWVA80Rf38MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBDQUAMGMxGzAZBgNV BAMMElNlY3VyZSBNUVRUIGJyb2tlcjERMA8GA1UECgwIRmF2b3Jpb3QxDDAKBgNV BAsMA0lvVDEjMCEGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYUc3VwcG9ydEBmYXZvcmlvdC5jb20wHhcN MTcwNjIwMDcxMjQyWhcNMzIwNjE2MDcxMjQyWjBjMRswGQYDVQQDDBJTZWN1cmUg TVFUVCBicm9rZXIxETAPBgNVBAoMCEZhdm9yaW90MQwwCgYDVQQLDANJb1QxIzAh BgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWFHN1cHBvcnRAZmF2b3Jpb3QuY29tMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0B AQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAw6jfao9GPyXR2oIjFseVN2wGHHf321VaOB21NwS9 hobsh7o37mOJUurDon2j2cnwj3PzRLxr5+1jtMlTh18KR7YvtI4QNVC0yZ1kfeYw doTVZ0JMm7kKqcwG75/HYTNehFTnTOKlCHcNG/lALOBUaF0Q8gccuP8w7mKsB/WY Kct7sG3Kom09vHpg14QML/4BqfBso3nMy2UpilmFqkd3iBZOc3OP93wbfoMdv+TY f3NuMC8GvjVj6w3y/ThVT5v9nW0hIOxnH0Z7/Z+StpKf66LEYrVK6wqrE+QOyPbt 7egm7xzufeMFYRG9D8yq1cdkgv91D+d0WZcGJ1WuhGmyGQIDAQABo1AwTjAdBgNV HQ4EFgQU92lSlWRQCgYvnDR+yKqbrJhXH8cwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAU92lSlWRQCgYv nDR+yKqbrJhXH8cwDAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB/zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQ0FAAOCAQEAA0HF TipnY6COyJX9fPH9ZCW9+FitArf0liTJTOci2Wga6f7AWAvaqgEAYtOEwGmARTK8 i8MkAnf3rncvy/tegHIlklkmVHAnE8DaJIw+GwIQqg+CG+zW96M9ZicE2gP78I2d oMTKznk4POPzZOs5GnsFD50y49TY/gy7YEsmRhsyegnew9Ny45ZvAEsI1CD4QDZN nifCffGE5nNp7gcIlW5u66FvQ32deO9/Ag/83Qzj+MKvXtdkW+2PTG++g8qZnuZ6 51NjwKNY6DApQ5f7QN9WZHRs82s/SrWkMxv9HgIHMyQ6PxiRYZfaLdjTKgwv92P6 cDpPSjaUgpEJwiMvpQ== -----END CERTIFICATE-----

After saving the certificate in ca.crt file, provide the path to the certificate in the programme used to send MQTT data. See the sample code in the right column.

If you are having issues connecting your device to our platform, please contact us at

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